R Tutorial

External co-variates


  • Most ecological models include exogenous covariates
  • We’ll look at this with some data on the abundance of the desert pocket mouse
  • Load the packages
  • Load the data
pp_data = read.csv("pp_abundance_timeseries.csv") |>
  as_tsibble(index = newmoonnumber)
  • Look at our response time-series
gg_tsdisplay(pp_data, abundance)
  • Traditionally we model relationships between variables with some sort of regression analysis
  • Try to predict abundances with minimum temperature
  • Because this species hibernates when it gets cold
$$y_t = c + \beta_1 x_t + \epsilon_t$$
  • We can do this in a time-series context with the TSLM() function
tslm_model = model(pp_data, TSLM(abundance ~ mintemp))
  • Visualize the model
tslm_model_aug = augment(tslm_model)
autoplot(tslm_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(tslm_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
  • It has the seasonal ups and downs but not differences in high years vs low years
  • Let’s try adding another predictor
  • We’ll add precipitation when it is cool
  • The driver of vegetation and therefore food when PP’s are most active
  • We do this by adding more variables to our formula using the + sign

Update code by adding cool_precip

tslm_model = model(pp_data, TSLM(abundance ~ mintemp + cool_precip))
  • Cool precip is significant, but weakly so
tslm_model_aug = augment(tslm_model)
autoplot(tslm_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(tslm_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
  • Looks pretty good
  • But let’s look at the residuals
  • There is still a lot of autocorrelation

  • And that’s a problem because regression assumes data points are independent

  • The autocorrelation tells us that they aren’t

  • So any statistical inferences would be questionable

  • This ramp suggests that there might be a trend

  • It’s possible we have a decrease over time

  • We can try to model the trend explicitly to remove the autocorrelation

  • We can do this by adding a fitted trend to our model using trend()

tslm_model = tslm_model = model(pp_data, TSLM(abundance ~ mintemp + cool_precip + trend()))
  • This adds time itself as a predictor
$$y_t = c + \beta_1 x_{1,t} + \beta_2 x_{2,t} + \beta_3 t + \epsilon_t$$
  • Basically it says that there’s a trend that we can’t explain
  • But we include it in the model
  • If this removes all of the autocorrelation then we’re in good shape
  • Trend is significant
  • Also changes the cool_precip coefficient & makes it more clearly significant
tslm_model_aug = augment(tslm_model)
autoplot(tslm_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(tslm_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
  • Better matching of ups and downs
  • It gets the longer-term autocorrelation
  • But the short lag AR is still there

You do:

  • Make a TSLM model but try some different combinations of predictors
  • Plot your data with the model fit on top
  • Plot the residuals

ARIMA + Exogenous variables

  • We can solve this by combining the two approaches
  • In an ARIMA model we can specify external covariates like in a linear model
arima_exog_model <- model(pp_data, ARIMA(abundance ~ mintemp))
  • When we do this we see an AR1 term, an MA1 term, and a mintemp term
  • There is also a difference term
  • Model has automatically incorporated the trend we fit with TSLM
  • We can generally think of this model as being something like
$$y_t = c + \beta_1 x_{1,t} + \beta_2 y_{t-1} + \theta_1 \epsilon_{t-1} + \epsilon_t$$
  • This is called an ARMAX model, with the X standing for eXogenous predictors
  • Fable actually fits a linear regression with ARIMA errors
$$y_t = c + \beta_1 x_{1,t} + \eta_t$$ $$\eta_t = \beta_2 \eta_{t-1} + \theta_1 \epsilon_{t-1} + \epsilon_t$$
  • The model includes time-series structure & external covariates
  • With interpretable coefficients
arima_exog_model_aug <- augment(arima_exog_model)
autoplot(arimax_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(arimax_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
  • This gives us nice look predictions and good error structure

You do:

  • Make a ARIMA model with both mintemp and cool_precip
  • Plot your data with the model fit on top
  • Plot the residuals
  • Look at the report, is this model better than the model with just mintemp?

  • What does that tell us?

  • But did you notice anything else weird?

  • Negative abundances don’t make sense

  • Why do we have them?

  • We’ll come back to how to fix this in a couple of weeks
