R Tutorial
External co-variates
- Most ecological models include exogenous covariates
- We’ll look at this with some data on the abundance of the desert pocket mouse
- Load the packages
- Load the data
pp_data = read.csv("pp_abundance_timeseries.csv") |>
as_tsibble(index = newmoonnumber)
- Look at our response time-series
gg_tsdisplay(pp_data, abundance)
- Traditionally we model relationships between variables with some sort of regression analysis
- Try to predict abundances with minimum temperature
- Because this species hibernates when it gets cold
- We can do this in a time-series context with the
tslm_model = model(pp_data, TSLM(abundance ~ mintemp))
- Visualize the model
tslm_model_aug = augment(tslm_model)
autoplot(tslm_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(tslm_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
- It has the seasonal ups and downs but not differences in high years vs low years
- Let’s try adding another predictor
- We’ll add precipitation when it is cool
- The driver of vegetation and therefore food when PP’s are most active
- We do this by adding more variables to our formula using the
Update code by adding cool_precip
tslm_model = model(pp_data, TSLM(abundance ~ mintemp + cool_precip))
- Cool precip is significant, but weakly so
tslm_model_aug = augment(tslm_model)
autoplot(tslm_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(tslm_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
- Looks pretty good
- But let’s look at the residuals
There is still a lot of autocorrelation
And that’s a problem because regression assumes data points are independent
The autocorrelation tells us that they aren’t
So any statistical inferences would be questionable
This ramp suggests that there might be a trend
It’s possible we have a decrease over time
We can try to model the trend explicitly to remove the autocorrelation
We can do this by adding a fitted trend to our model using
tslm_model = tslm_model = model(pp_data, TSLM(abundance ~ mintemp + cool_precip + trend()))
- This adds time itself as a predictor
- Basically it says that there’s a trend that we can’t explain
- But we include it in the model
- If this removes all of the autocorrelation then we’re in good shape
- Trend is significant
- Also changes the
coefficient & makes it more clearly significant
tslm_model_aug = augment(tslm_model)
autoplot(tslm_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(tslm_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
- Better matching of ups and downs
- It gets the longer-term autocorrelation
- But the short lag AR is still there
You do:
- Make a TSLM model but try some different combinations of predictors
- Plot your data with the model fit on top
- Plot the residuals
ARIMA + Exogenous variables
- We can solve this by combining the two approaches
- In an ARIMA model we can specify external covariates like in a linear model
arima_exog_model <- model(pp_data, ARIMA(abundance ~ mintemp))
- When we do this we see an AR1 term, an MA1 term, and a mintemp term
- There is also a difference term
- Model has automatically incorporated the trend we fit with TSLM
- We can generally think of this model as being something like
- This is called an ARMAX model, with the X standing for eXogenous predictors
- Fable actually fits a linear regression with ARIMA errors
- The model includes time-series structure & external covariates
- With interpretable coefficients
arima_exog_model_aug <- augment(arima_exog_model)
autoplot(arimax_model_aug, abundance) + autolayer(arimax_model_aug, .fitted, color = "orange")
- This gives us nice look predictions and good error structure
You do:
- Make a ARIMA model with both mintemp and cool_precip
- Plot your data with the model fit on top
- Plot the residuals
Look at the report, is this model better than the model with just mintemp?
What does that tell us?
But did you notice anything else weird?
Negative abundances don’t make sense
Why do we have them?
We’ll come back to how to fix this in a couple of weeks