R Tutorial
Video tutorials are based on the old forecast
Text tutorials have been updated to use fable
and associated packages.
Video Tutorials
Evaluating Uncertainty Using Coverage
Evaluating How Forecast Accuracy Changes With Forecast Horizon
Written Tutorial
- Starting point from Evaluating Forecasts 1
portal_data = read.csv("portal_timeseries.csv") |>
mutate(month = yearmonth(date)) |>
as_tsibble(index = month)
train <- filter(portal_data, month < yearmonth("2011 Dec"))
test <- filter(portal_data, month >= yearmonth("2011 Dec"))
ma2_model = model(train, ARIMA(NDVI ~ pdq(0,0,2) + PDQ(0,0,0)))
ma2_forecast = forecast(ma2_model, test)
models = model(train,
ma2 = ARIMA(NDVI ~ pdq(0,0,2) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
arima = ARIMA(NDVI))
forecasts = forecast(models, test)
autoplot(forecasts, train) + autolayer(test, NDVI)
accuracy(forecasts, test)
- So far we’ve been dealing with point estimates
- Draw a time-series forecast with wide and narrow prediction intervals and a point outside the narrow, but inside the wide interval
- Point estimate comparisons say that these two forecasts are equivalent
- But the forecast with the wider interval is better
- This means we are just comparing the observed value to the mean predicted value
- Draw a set of axes with two parallel vertical lines
- Label 1 prediction and 1 observation
- How do we think about uncertainty
- We have these blue prediction intervals, but how do we evalute them
- Prediction Interval: range of values in which a percentage of observations should occur
- 80% prediction interval is the range of values we expect 80% of observations to fall between
ma2_intervals <- hilo(ma2_forecast, level = 80) |>
- We can find the observed points that occur in this range by checking for points that match both conditions
- So we want NDVI to be greater than lower and less than upper
in_interval <- test$NDVI > ma2_intervals$`80%_lower` &
test$NDVI < ma2_intervals$`80%_upper`
- We can then determine what proportion of these values are
, i.e., fall in the prediction interval
length(in_interval[in_interval == TRUE]) / length(in_interval)
- Called “coverage”
- Want coverage value to be as close to the value of the interval as possible
- So we want it to be close to 0.8
- Now it’s your turn.
- Write code to evaluate the coverage of the seasonal ARIMA model
- Let’s compare this result to the uncertainty of the seasonal model
arima_model = model(train, ARIMA(NDVI))
arima_forecast = forecast(arima_model, test)
arima_intervals <- hilo(arima_forecast, level = 80) |>
in_interval = test$NDVI > arima_intervals$`80%_lower` & test$NDVI < arima_intervals$`80%_upper`
length(in_interval[in_interval == TRUE]) / length(in_interval)
- The full ARIMA is better because it is closer to the coverage interval of 0.8
Scores Incorporating Uncertainty
Scores that incorporate uncertainty
Reward prediction intervals that are just wide enough
Instead of evaluating the mean prediction (point forecast) evaluate the prediction interval
Add two sets of intervals on the axes
Winkler Score
Width of the prediction interval + a penalty for points outside the interval
The width component rewards models with narrower prediction intervals
The penalty rewards models without too many points outside the prediction intervals
Penalties are calibrated to reward models with best coverage
Include the Winkler score accuracy by adding two arguments
A list, with a name for the score a function used to calculate it
Any arguments that function requires (a prediction interval level in this case)
accuracy(forecasts, test, list(winkler = winkler_score), level = 80)
Winkler requires choosing a single prediction interval
Ideally we’d include information on lots of prediction intervals
Instead of evaluting the mean check how likely an observation is given the full predicted distribution
Add a distribution to the axes with the mode matching $\hat{y}$
The best models most closely match the empirical distribution
Doing this is technically complicated
Continuous Rank Probability Score
Scores each value relative to the predicted cumulative distribution function
A value far from the mean is penalized less if the uncertainty is high
We can add this by adding another model to our
accuracy(forecasts, test, list(winkler = winkler_score, crps = CRPS), level = 80)
- And if we want to add back some of the other metrics we’d been seeing by default we can do that to
accuracy(forecasts, test, list(winkler = winkler_score, crps = CRPS, mae = MAE), level = 80)
Forecast horizon
- Forecasts generally get worse through time
- Can look at this by comparing the fit at different forecast horizons
helps us do this with theby
argument- Evaluates the score separately for each unique value in a column
accuracies = accuracy(forecasts, test, list(winkler = winkler_score, crps = CRPS, mae = MAE), level = 80, by = c(".model", "month"))
ggplot(data = accuracies, mapping = aes(x = month, y = crps, color = .model)) +
- General trend towards increasing error with increasing horizon