R Tutorial
In development. Not ready for teaching
State space models
- Time-series model
- Only first order autoregressive component
- Separately model
- the process model - how the system evolves in time or space
- the observation model - observation error or indirect observations
- Estimates the true value of the underlying latent state variables
Draw on board while walking through models
y_t-1 y_t y_t+1
| | |
x_t-1 -> x_t -> x_t+1 Process model
Process model
- What is actually happening in the system
- First order autoregressive component
x_t+1 = f(x_t) + e_t
- Simple linear model is AR1:
x_t+1 = b0 + b1 * x_t + e_t
Observation model
- Counts of rodents in traps aren’t perfect measures of the number of rodents (which are what should be changing in the process model and what we care about)
- So model this imperfect observation
y_t = Pois(x_t)
- Can be much more complicated
- State space model of AR1 + rain w/Poisson error
state_space_model = mvgam(abundance ~ 1,
trend_formula = ~ mintemp,
trend_model = "AR1",
family = poisson(link = "log"),
data = data_train,
newdata = data_test)
plot(state_space_model, type = "forecast")
output = state_space_model$model_output
Normally would want several chains with different starting positions to avoid local minima
Send to JAGS
j.model <- jags.model (file = textConnection(RandomWalk),
data = data,
inits = init,
n.chains = 1)
- Burn in
jags.out <- coda.samples (model = j.model,
variable.names = c("tau_proc","tau_obs"),
n.iter = 10000)
- Sample from MCMC with full vector of X’s
- This starts sampling from the point were the previous run of
ends so it gets rid of the burn-in samples
jags.out <- coda.samples (model = j.model,
variable.names = c("x","tau_proc","tau_obs"),
n.iter = 10000)
- Visualize
- Convert the output into a matrix & drop parameters
out <- as.matrix(jags.out)
xs <- out[,3:ncol(out)]
- Point predictions are averages across MCMC samples
predictions <- colMeans(xs)
plot(time, predictions, type = "l")
And this looks very similar to the observed dynamics of y
Add prediction intervals as range containing 95% of MCMC samples
ci <- apply(xs, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
lines(time, ci[1,], lty = "dashed", col = "blue")
lines(time, ci[2,], lty = "dashed", col = "blue")
- These are very narrow prediction intervals, so the model appears to be very confident
- But it’s important to keep in mind that when fitting the value of
at timet
, the model has access to the value ofy
at timet
- And the
is present it isn’t being estimated, it’s just the observed value - So, will this model forecast well?
- To make forecasts using a JAGS model we include data for
that isNA
- This tells the model that we don’t know the values and therefore the model estimates them as part of the fitting process
- To make a true forecast we would add one
to the end ofy
for each time step we wanted to forecast - To hindcast or backcast like we replace the values for
that are part of the test set withNA
- We’ll hindcast, so to do this we’ll replace the last year of
values withNA
and then compare the final year of data to our predictions
Make these changes at top of script and rerun
data$y[(length(y)-51):length(y)] = NA
jags.out <- coda.samples (model = j.model,
variable.names = c("y","tau_proc","tau_obs"),
n.iter = 10000)
- We can see from plotting the predictions that the forecast doesn’t look promising
- Without the observed data to influence the estimates of
the model predicts little change over the forecast year - We can directly compare this to the empirical data by adding it to the plot
lines(time, y)
- So the point estimates don’t perform well
- This raises the question of whether the model accurately predicts that it is uncertain when making forecasts
- Plotting the prediction intervals suggests that it does
- They very quickly expand towards zero and the upper limits of the data